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Decorate with Turquoise: Expert Tips for Using This Bold Shade

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Decorating with turquoise is a great way to add character to your interior. Between green and blue, teal is a versatile shade that pairs beautifully with a variety of other colors and can be used in both modern and traditional schemes.
From turquoise to bright turquoise and deep ocean blue, turquoise can be used to create a variety of moods and styles.
Whether you’re looking to create an entirely new scheme or breathe new life into an existing room, there are plenty of ways to use turquoise as a warmer option with blue. To inspire you to do the right thing, we’ve put together a collection of beautiful turquoise rooms, along with some tips from the experts.
Because of its versatility, decorating with turquoise is a popular room color idea for interior designers and homeowners.
“A beautiful, bold color that complements almost any other color, it’s always good to use teal indoors because it can be so vibrant,” says Emma Deterding, founder and creative director of Kelling Designs label. “Whether you choose a bright turquoise or a more moody, darker shade, it’s versatile enough to add life and energy, creating drama and ambiance in any living space.”
Andy Greenall, head of design at Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), also highlights how teal can be used to create a range of different blue room ideas suitable for any season. Andy Greenall, head of design at Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), also highlights how teal can be used to create a range of different blue room ideas suitable for any season. Энди Гринолл, руководитель отдела дизайна Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), также рассказывает, как можно использовать бирюзовый цвет для создания целого ряда различных идей синей комнаты, подходящих для любого времени года. Andy Greenall, head of design at the Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), also shares how teal can be used to create a range of different blue room ideas suitable for any season. Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab) 的设计主管Andy Greenall 还强调了如何使用蓝绿色来创造适合任何季节的一系列不同的蓝色房间创意。 Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab) 的设计主管Andy Greenall Энди Гринолл, ведущий дизайнер Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), также рассказывает, как можно использовать бирюзовый цвет для создания различных идей синей комнаты в любое время года. Andy Greenall, lead designer at Paint & Paper Library (opens in new tab), also talks about how teal can be used to create different blue room ideas any time of the year. “Perfectly balanced shades, neither too warm nor too cold. Basking in the sun on a sunny summer day, it will create a luxurious cocoon in winter and an uplifting, almost Mediterranean décor.
For those with color confidence, turquoise can look stunning and is perfect for adding drama to living and dining rooms. Or, for a simpler decorating approach, turquoise can be a great accent color, bringing extra depth to a neutral color scheme and adding brightness to a serene space like a bedroom.
A bold, charming shade, teal can make an amazing statement when used wall to wall. “Super-bright hues like turquoise are lively and energizing, they add brightness to a room and make it stand out,” explains Crown Senior Designer Justyna Korchinska (opens in a new tab).
When choosing a turquoise paint, it is important to consider the hue as it can have a big impact on the look of a room. While bright turquoise can create a fresh and vibrant vibe, dark turquoise paired with black can create a moodier and more dramatic feel.
Dark teal is a great dining room color idea because it creates an intimate atmosphere that is perfect for entertaining. To enhance the effect, consider using turquoise on the ceiling, as well as on all baseboards and woodwork – this is called color saturation and looks modern.
If you’re planning to decorate with teal, it’s important to consider the orientation of the room and the light that enters it, as this can affect how the color looks and how warm the shade you choose will be, explains lead designer Andy Greenall. library of paints and paper.
“Because the blue-green color spectrum ranges from bright turquoise to luxurious turquoise with hues ranging from green to blue, consider choosing bluer hues in south-facing rooms and greener hues in north-facing rooms. emphasize the blue in color.
Reminiscent of the mesmerizing turquoise and turquoise hues of the Mediterranean, combined with turquoise and white accents, is a great way to bring a sense of calm to the interior. With its soothing, wet connotations, this shade is a great choice for a bathroom color – after all, if there’s a place to relax, it’s the bathroom.
If you’re considering teal for your bathroom paneling ideas, as demonstrated here, then ‘opt for a satin finish,’ suggests Andy Greenall head of design at Paper & Paint Library. If you’re considering teal for your bathroom paneling ideas, as demonstrated here, then ‘opt for a satin finish,’ suggests Andy Greenall head of design at Paper & Paint Library. Если вы рассматриваете бирюзовый цвет для своих идей обшивки ванной комнаты, как показано здесь, тогда «выберите атласную отделку», — предлагает Энди Гринолл, руководитель отдела дизайна Paper & Paint Library. If you’re considering turquoise for your bathroom siding ideas, as shown here, then “choose a satin finish,” suggests Andy Greenall, Head of Design at Paper & Paint Library.如果您正在考虑为您的浴室镶板创意使用蓝绿色,如此处所示,那么“选择缎面饰面”,Paper & Paint Library 的设计主管Andy Greenall 建议。如果 您 正在 考虑 为 您 浴室 镶板 创意 使用 , 如此 处 所 示 那么 那么 选择 缎面 饰面 饰面 , Paper & Paint Library 的 主管 andy Greenall 建议。。。。。。。 Если вы рассматриваете бирюзовый цвет для своих идей обшивки ванной комнаты, как показано здесь, «выберите сатиновую отделку», — советует Энди Гринолл, директор по дизайну Paper & Paint Library. If you’re considering turquoise for your bathroom siding ideas, as shown here, “choose a satin finish,” advises Andy Greenall, director of design at Paper & Paint Library. “In addition to being practical and durable, it offers a 30-35% sheen that will highlight the panels and create a beautiful reflective surface.”
Decorating in a single shade or cold tones such as blue can sometimes make a room look cold or devoid of atmosphere. If you’re considering an all-blue-green room, consider using different hues to create layers of depth.
It’s also a useful strategy for those who use block color sparingly,” explains Ruth Mottershead, creative director at Little Greene(opens in a new tab). “If coloring everything the same shade seems a bit tedious, choose a set of colors that are consistent in tone and use them throughout the room,” she advises.
Reminiscent of the beautiful hues of the sea and sky, turquoise pairs beautifully with natural materials and looks particularly beautiful when paired with the honey and gold tones of natural wood, as shown in this dining room.
When decorating in turquoise, “take advantage of the organic tones of the shade and add lots of plants and logs to create a fresh and lively space,” says Helen Shaw, director of Benjamin Moore UK (opens in a new tab). “The earth and warm accents like mustard or paprika will create a mid-century feel and drama,” she added.
If you’re looking for a color that pairs with turquoise, consider pink. Pink is the opposite of green on the color wheel and is especially good for balancing green-blue tones. Emma Deterding, Founder and Creative Director of Kelling Designs, said: “Turquoise and pink are a winning combination because these colors work so well together and we see this in many of our designs.”
“Whether you use bright teal and fuchsia pink on walls, cabinetry and furniture, or bring them into a neutral space with accessories and upholstered furniture, you can easily add an invigorating color and pattern that catches the eye, because that he is handsome.
For a more modest statement in teal, try adding accessories such as bedspreads, pillows, and lampshades. For those who love minimalist and neutral room ideas, adding bright accessories in bright shea blue is a great way to infuse a space with energy while maintaining a sense of calm.
For a fun way to decorate with turquoise, why not paint the inside of your closets or pantry for an unexpected pop of color? Painting a glass display case in bold colors can be a great backdrop for displaying porcelain as it allows the piece to really stand out.
If you love bold colors like turquoise but are wary of using them in abundance, why not use them in other architectural pieces like woodwork or fireplaces? ‘Architectural features are a fantastic host for making a statement with color, be that skirting and doors, or if you’re lucky enough, traditional window shutters which look resplendent in a statement color,’ explains Andy Greenall head of design, Paint & Paper Library. ‘Architectural features are a fantastic host for making a statement with color, be that skirting and doors, or if you’re lucky enough, traditional window shutters which look resplendent in a statement color,’ explains Andy Greenall head of design, Paint & Paper library. «Архитектурные особенности — это фантастическое средство для того, чтобы заявить о себе с помощью цвета, будь то плинтусы и двери или, если вам повезет, традиционные оконные ставни, которые великолепно выглядят в ярком цвете», — объясняет Энди Гринолл, руководитель отдела дизайна Paint & Paper. “Architectural features are a fantastic way to make a statement with color, whether it’s baseboards and doors or, if you’re lucky, traditional window shutters that look great in vibrant color,” explains Andy Greenall, head of design at Paint. & Paper. Library. “建筑特色是用颜色做出声明的绝妙宿主,无论是踢脚线和门,还是如果你足够幸运,传统的百叶窗在声明的颜色中看起来金碧辉煌,”Paint & Paper 设计主管Andy Greenall 解释道图书馆。 “建筑 特色 是 用 颜色 做出 的 绝妙 宿主 无论是 踢脚线 和 门 , 还是 如果 你 足够 , 的 百叶窗 在 声明 的 中 看 起来 , , , , , & & Paper 设计 主管 andy greenall 解释道 图书 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道 解释道馆。 «Архитектурные особенности прекрасно подходят для того, чтобы заявить о себе с помощью цвета, будь то плинтусы и двери, или, если вам повезет, традиционные ставни выглядят великолепно в выразительном цвете», — объясняет Энди Гринолл, руководитель отдела дизайна в Paint & Paper Books Hall. “Architectural features are great for making a statement with color, whether it’s baseboards and doors, or if you’re lucky, traditional shutters look great in bold color,” explains Andy Greenall, head of design at Paint & Paper Books. Hall. .
If you plan on using black and white, turquoise makes for a nice complementary color. Used neat, blacks and whites look harsh and flat, so they can really benefit from toning another color, and turquoise is perfect.
Bold and bright, teal can stand up to a two-tone scheme, as this bathroom proves. In this scheme, turquoise bathroom wall tiles provide visual balance to the dramatic slatted floor while also providing a beautiful backdrop to this luxurious countertop.
Kitchens are places where we spend a lot of time, so it makes sense that they feel happy and uplifted, and teal is a fantastic way to do that. According to experts, turquoise is becoming more and more popular as a kitchen color idea, bringing a fresh twist to a classic blue kitchen.
“In kitchens, we often see shades of blue or green used to draw attention to a central island, but lately we’ve been seeing a trend towards brighter hues like turquoise or patina,” says UK-based Helen Shaw, director of Benjamin Moore.
Turquoise goes well with many other colors. Sandwiched between green and blue, this versatile shade pairs easily with multiple color schemes.
Orange is opposite blue on the color wheel and green is opposite pink, and as a blend of the two colors, turquoise is a natural partner for both, but also works great with other warm tones like yellow and red.
“I especially love the use of turquoise in the red, charcoal and saffron designs. It’s perfect as a backdrop for these vibrant colors and also great for walls,” explains Susie Watson, founder of Susie Watson Designs (in a new label). .Open). “Dark colors are now back in vogue on the walls and they really make an amazing backdrop for the reds, pinks and saffron colors we love to use.”
When choosing a color to pair with Toby Lewis Turquoise, Senior Brand Manager Valspar Paint(opens in a new tab) recommends using it with pure white to maximize natural light in a room, or with earthy mustard yellow or burnt contrasting orange to add more depth. . your palette.
There are so many ways to use turquoise in a living room, in fact, as a versatile shade, it can be used in most rooms.
If you love turquoise and feel confident in this color, then “boldly color an entire room or add some flair with a custom wall,” says Sam Hood, chief creative officer at luxury home goods store Amara(Opens in a new tab) . Or, for a more subtle approach, “a beautiful turquoise vase or ornament can add depth and interest to any surface,” she adds.
When deciding which shades of turquoise to use, be sure to consider lighting,” explains Annie Sloan (opens in a new tab).
“In bright natural sunlight, the color will be more greenish, and at night, under artificial lighting, the blue pigment will be more pronounced,” say paint and colorists. “Even in large rooms, this deep hue creates a wonderful, cozy vibe,” she adds, but recommends in smaller spaces, “just use it on one wall.”
Pippa is Content Editor on Homes & Gardens online contributing to Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors print issues. Pippa is Content Editor on Homes & Gardens online contributing to Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors print issues. Пиппа является редактором контента онлайн-изданий Homes & Gardens и участвует в печатных изданиях Period Living и Country Homes & Interiors. Pippa is the online content editor for Homes & Gardens and contributes to the print editions of Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors. Pippa 是Homes & Gardens 在线内容编辑,为Period Living 和Country Homes & Interiors 印刷问题做出贡献。 Pippa 是Homes & Gardens 在线内容编辑,为Period Living 和Country Homes & Interiors Пиппа является редактором онлайн-контента Homes & Gardens и участвует в печатных изданиях Period Living и Country Homes & Interiors. Pippa is the online content editor for Homes & Gardens and contributes to the print publications of Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors. An art history graduate and style editor at Period Living, she enjoys architecture, decorative content creation, interior styling, and writing about craftsmanship and historic buildings. She enjoys searching out beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience. She enjoys searching out beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience. Ей нравится искать красивые изображения и последние тенденции, чтобы делиться ими с аудиторией Homes & Gardens. She enjoys looking for beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience.她喜欢寻找美丽的图像和最新的趋势,与Homes & Gardens 的观众分享。 Homes & Gardens 的观众分享。 Ей нравится находить красивые изображения и последние тенденции, чтобы делиться ими со своей аудиторией Homes & Gardens. She loves finding beautiful images and the latest trends to share with her Homes & Gardens audience. A keen gardener, when she’s not writing, you’ll find her growing flowers on project land in the village.
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Post time: Aug-15-2022