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glazed tile press operation overview

There are many parameters of glazed tile press, which need to be set by text screen.

There are two kinds of parameter setting: equipment parameter setting and user parameter setting.


Equipment parameters are:

Monopulse length, over impulse, mold distance, mold time, cutter time, etc.

User parameters are:

Number of sheets, length, main section, last section, pitch, number of sections, etc.

The tile press control system can also complete the function of veneer cutting.

Normal automatic production does not need to go back first, but a forward, pressing, cutting completed.

High precision, each piece of shear accuracy is less than +-0.2mm, to meet the technological requirements.

The executive part has a frequency converter drive motor, hydraulic station motor,

Pressure type of two hydraulic solenoid valve, two hydraulic solenoid valve cutter.

sample (2)

The detection parts include:

Pulse encoder for detecting the length of color steel tile, up and down stroke switch for pressure type,

Up and down stroke switch of the cutter, up and down operation button of the pressure type,

Up and down stroke button of the cutter, emergency stop switch,

Hydraulic start/stop switch and other text screens can complete parameter setting,

Alarm display, help information, production data display and so on.

Post time: Mar-12-2021