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House on top of a tetro with a custom roof overlooking the Brazilian mountains

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        This residence by tetro arquitetura on a steep slope in Nova Lima, Brazil showcases an uneven flat roof that opens onto the surrounding mountains. Strategically located in a protected savannah vegetated area, the structure follows the contours of the topography to form an extensive concrete slab pavement that is seamlessly inserted to meet specific program and site needs.
        The concrete slab by tetro arquitetura first appears as a lightweight component supported by only two columns, marking the main entrance and garage area, and framing the panorama between the mountain view and the edge of the densely populated area of ​​Belo Horizonte. Further down, the slab slopes down to connect to the terrace where the pool and large wooden deck are located. This deck covers the entire slab, shading it and hiding the inverted beams, making the whole building more refined and light.
        On the ground floor, without barriers or fencing, the tetro design blends in with the surroundings as a permeable element. Thus, the dwelling contrasts with the surrounding dwellings, which are often surrounded by solid walls, taking on a more closed character. This strategy turns the free area around the house into an ecological corridor, allowing wildlife to move freely through the territory.
        Private spaces are located below the ground floor, while a shared living/dining area occupies an area under the sloped part of the roof slab, allowing natural light to enter. On one side, large glass windows showcase the surrounding nature, and on the other side, a steel/glass door cuts through the façade, connecting the room to a green plateau – the backyard – surrounded by a stone retaining wall. Over time, the stone walls turned into an ecosystem inhabited by insects, birds and lizards.
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Post time: May-10-2023