Roll forming equipment supplier

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Kordsa uses phenolic sandwich panels to produce composite materials for aircraft interiors.

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Kordsa, an Izmut, Turkey-based tire, structural reinforcement and composite technology company, has launched a new line of honeycomb composite sandwich panels for commercial aircraft interiors. The company’s Composites Center of Excellence (CTCE), established in 2016, has played an important role in the development of the technology. This material consists of glass fibers in a phenolic matrix surrounding honeycomb and is primarily used in aircraft galleys. Kordsa chose phenolic resin because of its fire resistance. Honeycomb cores supplied by Advanced Honeycomb Technologies, a subsidiary of Kordsa (San Marco, CA, USA), are also phenolic based. Each honeycomb element is hexagonal in shape and 3.2 mm wide. Kordsa says its composite sandwich panels can withstand greater bending loads than leading brands and can withstand pull loads in any direction.
Welcome to the online edition of SourceBook, which corresponds to CompositesWorld’s annual print edition of the SourceBook Composites Industry Buyer’s Guide.
Over the next few years, NASA and Boeing (Chicago, IL) will be building larger and more complex pressurized cabin designs for future hybrid-wing airliners.
For compound applications, these hollow microstructures replace a large volume with a light one and add many processing and product enhancement possibilities.

Post time: Sep-06-2022