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Promotion of the eco-roof project in Chiclayo

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       We invite you to learn more about this campaign to create a vision of equality between men and women in this country.
       Caring for the ocean, actions to reduce ocean pollution to protect marine life.
       In the city of Chiclayo (Lambaeque region), citizen Jorge Albujar Lecca launched a social project called “Ecoroof”, which uses cardboard from Tetra Pak containers.
        Albuhar Lekka noted that the project aims to provide shelter to the poorest families in Chiclayo. “Together with the 109 Cix, we are pushing for the use of Tetra Pak containers made from cardboard to make the roof (calamine), which is formulated to make it stable,” he said.
        Residents said the container was cardboard on the outside, with six layers of polyethylene, a layer of aluminum, and invisible plastic on the inside. Its imperviousness makes it more resistant than plastic to rain and sun.
       In the meantime, he clarified that over the next few days they will be collecting Tetra Pak containers from schools, universities and businesses with the help of the 109 Cix unit to collect material to donate for the production of 240×110 ceilings in the poorest areas of Chiclayo.
        In the end, he explained that to get such a roof, one must first cut the Tetra Pak wrappers to the size of a sheet of paper for documents, and then melt them with heat from a soldering iron tip or use a soldering iron. designed to make work easier.
       For any donations of these containers, you can contact the project sponsors at 979645913 or rpm*463632.

Post time: Apr-03-2023