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ThermHex and EconCore invest in automated PP honeycomb core, recycled PET products | Composites World

Targeting recycled and high-performance thermoplastic options, automated R&D lines increase volume and speed for honeycomb, sandwich panel and finished part production. Targeting recycled and high-performance thermoplastic options, automated R&D lines increase volume and speed for honeycomb, sandwich panel and finished part production. Focusing on recycled and high performance thermoplastic options, automated R&D lines are increasing the volume and speed of production of honeycomb cores, sandwich panels and finished parts. Automated R&D lines increase productivity and production speed for honeycomb cores, sandwich panels and finished parts for recyclable and high-performance thermoplastic options. #sustainable development
ThermHex organic sandwich panel consisting of a polypropylene (PP) core and fiberglass skin. Image credit, all images: ThermHex
In February, ThermHex Waben GmbH (Halle, Germany), licensee of EconCore (Leuven, Belgium) and manufacturer of thermoplastic honeycomb cores, announced a €1 million capital increase and plans to streamline processes and expand production; in June, the company announced that last year the turnover for the reporting year increased by 12% and quality certification improved.
ThermHex attributes much of last year’s growth to the success of its 2019 organic sandwich mix, which combines a polypropylene (PP) honeycomb core with a fiberglass/polypropylene shell. ThermHex organic sandwich panels are currently being used by customers in the automotive industry for applications such as the 2020 Hyundai Creta trunk floor. According to ThermHex, the benefits of Organosandwich include high stiffness and strength, lighter weight and cost, less use of raw materials, recyclability, short cycle times, and the ability to work with injection molding. The company’s polypropylene honeycomb cores are also used in VW and Ford roofs, caravan parts, swimming pools and doors.
ThermHex polypropylene honeycomb core sandwiched between thermoplastic glass mat (GMT) panels for a 2020 Hyundai Creta trunk floor. The floor panels are manufactured using a one-step pressing process, including finished edges and hinges.
The company is currently collaborating with the Fraunhofer Institute for the Microstructure of Materials and Systems (Fraunhofer IMWS, Halle) on the development of technologies for the production of hybrid sandwich components by casting and injection molding based on organic sandwich semi-finished products. According to ThermHex, this technology will enable the mass production of functional parts with very short cycle times.
According to Mona Bosch-Wuerfel, ThermHex’s marketing and communications manager, the company plans to sell 1 million kilograms of polypropylene honeycomb cores and organic sandwiches this year, with an annual increase of 10-20 percent over the next few years.
This finished demo panel was built using ThermHex and Fraunhofer IMWS automated manufacturing process.
Additional R&D projects for ThermHex include work funded by BMWi to develop honeycomb cores specific to aerospace applications, production of hierarchical sandwich honeycomb cores for higher load-bearing applications and development with automotive partners Daimler Truck AG (Stuttgart, Germany) and Elring Klinger (Stuttgart) of a hybrid sandwich material consisting of PP honeycomb core and a metallic outer layer. Additional R&D projects for ThermHex include work funded by BMWi to develop honeycomb cores specific to aerospace applications, production of hierarchical sandwich honeycomb cores for higher load-bearing applications and development with automotive partners Daimler Truck AG (Stuttgart, Germany) and Elring Klinger (Stuttgart) of a hybrid sandwich material consisting of PP honeycomb core and a metallic outer layer. Дополнительные проекты R&D для ThermHex включают работу, финансируемую BMWi, по разработке сотовых заполнителей, специально предназначенных для аэрокосмических приложений, производство иерархических многослойных сотовых заполнителей для приложений с более высокой несущей способностью, а также разработку с автомобильными партнерами Daimler Truck AG (Штутгарт, Германия) и Elring Klinger (Штутгарт). Additional R&D projects for ThermHex include work funded by BMWi to develop honeycomb cores specifically for aerospace applications, production of hierarchical multi-layer honeycomb cores for higher load bearing applications, and development with automotive partners Daimler Truck AG (Stuttgart, Germany) and Elring Klinger (Stuttgart). made of a hybrid sandwich material consisting of a polypropylene honeycomb core and a metal outer layer. Other ThermHex R&D projects include work funded by BMWi to develop specialized honeycomb cores for aerospace applications, the production of multilayer multilayer honeycomb cores for higher load bearing applications, and collaborations with automotive partners Daimler Truck AG (Stuttgart, Germany) and Elring Klinger (Stuttgart). ) developed a hybrid sandwich material consisting of a polypropylene honeycomb core and a metallic outer layer. ThermHex said it is also working with AZL Aachen (Germany) to develop a production line for molded sandwich panels.
In addition, EconCore, the parent company of ThermHex, has recently invested in the development of large-scale production lines. The company said there is a growing market demand for cleaner materials and a shift in focus towards thermoplastic solutions for high-end aerospace and automotive applications.
The thermoplastic honeycomb cores produced by EconCore and its licensees are reportedly recyclable, while ThermHex is produced using green energy, which reduces carbon emissions. “Lightweight, strong, stiff, resistant to chemicals and moisture: these properties are in demand more than ever. Together with our customers, we are developing new ideas for old and new applications, driving growth while reducing carbon emissions.
Schematic of the EconCore automated continuous production process that will be used to produce rPET and HPT materials, as well as ThermHex organic sandwich products. Continuous production lines can layer the core and shell through an automated assembly line (pictured), followed by infrared (IR) preheating, transfer to a mold or injection mold, and demoulding.
To achieve its sustainability goals, EconCore is improving its technologies for the production of recycled PET (rPET) and high performance thermoplastic (HPT) honeycomb, also focusing on the production of cost-effective multi-layer aggregates for each of these technologies. The company currently manufactures rPET on a prototype or lab scale and plans to bring the material to market by the end of 2022.
EconCore’s current technology recycles polypropylene granules to produce a core product that is easy to recycle. The next generation of technology will recycle rPET flakes to produce more environmentally friendly solutions while maintaining high mechanical properties and high temperature stability.
EconCore sees a growing opportunity for rPET in the automotive market and says the use of rPET honeycomb cores offers a sustainable solution with a good life cycle score and low carbon footprint.
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The applications are not as demanding as airframe composites, but the requirements are still stringent – passenger safety is a key factor.

Post time: Sep-30-2022